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Workshops & Events

Watch this space for upcoming workshops and events.

Want to hire the space? Contact us to organise a tour, check dates, and rates.


Past workshops

Acoustic Vinyasa Workshop: 23rd May 2021, 6.30-8pm

Experience a beautiful union between movement and music. Find a clear connection in the sensations of your body and breath while you rest in the sublime soundscape created live. 

End of Summer Harvest Workshop - February 2020

In this beautiful season of summer, the Earth element invites us to ground, connect and gather providing us with the feeling of being centered. As we transition into autumn, we may unintentionally cause an imbalance in this element.

Lucy ran a 2.25 hour workshop in the studio to share with her all-round wisdom of yoga and qigong, guiding participants through a practice to explore the five elements. 

Spring Yang Blooming Workshop - October 2019

A balance of qigong, yin yoga, pranayama and meditation crafted according to the season to nourish, balance and restore. A delicious, spacious practice suitable for all students. Ran by Lucy.

Sound-healing Workshop – December 2019

"The entire Universe is made up of sound" 

- Dr Eben Alexander. 

This includes the human body, which responds to sound physiologically through a process called entrainment. Your Mental, Spiritual and Emotional bodies respond similarly - all of which are driven or 'guided' by your intention.

Our sound healings incorporate combinations of Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Solfeggio Pipes, Shaman Drum, Chimes, Sacred Mantras and Vocal Toning. We intuitively tune in to the energies of the people in the room and play accordingly, to bring you the best possible vibrations to help you help yourself. We invite and engage with your spirit guides, Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light, to help you the best way we can.

Community Events

Future events

Coming-to-self Yoga retreat with Jaymala Sharma:

Immerse yourself into the depths of reflection and self-observation. A deliberate pause to your routine to replenish, to nurture, not just disconnect but reconnect with self. This retreat is mindfully designed just for you. We'll combine the wisdom of yoga, ayurvedic principles (recipes, doshas, morning and evening rituals and more), nature walks, meditation and organic vegetarian food to deliver an all-round nourishing experience. 

Past events

Fundraiser Meditation and Picnic: 15th May 2021, 8.30-10.30AM 

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu" | May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.

With the above intention in our hearts, let's get together a community to help an Indian community battling with the pandemic. This is a fund-raiser supporting an orphanage "Kasturba Seva Sansthan '' located in a small town of India (Sikar) run by a selfless and relentless social reformer. All the proceeds of this event will go to this charity, as we believe that small non-profit organisations are struggling to receive funds in the middle of a national crisis.

Raising Awareness for Australian Bushfires - 22 February 2020

Laya dedicated 2 Saturday morning classes to raise funds for the Aussie bushfires. Your contributions raised over $500 for RSPCA Victoria’s animal bush fire rescue fund.

Intention Setting Meditation with Jaymala Sharma – 1 Jan 2021

“Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Don’t let it consume you.”

- Dhiman

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